Licensed Solutions

Nine Conversations

Nine Conversations

Need a group of managers to deliver strategically important outcomes, work collaboratively while still experiencing a personal transformation in capability and delivery? You do, great, if you don’t, you should!

Nine one day workshops (conversations) where the theory is read up front by the participants. We can debrief and facilitate real conversation and dialogue to help managers get work done more effectively and have a transformational impact on the communities they lead.

Participants explore the hard theory of vision, strategy, organisational alignment, and initiate projects. They also learn how to activate teams, develop individuals, build personal and organisational resilience. As individuals they explore their own perceptions and beliefs as leaders, and compare these to how they are actually perceived by their stakeholders, direct reports and customers. All the time they are also working collaboratively to achieve results mandated by a senior leader. Their final conversation, what has been their transformation, what are the results they are celebrating and what is the next horizon for this team!

Add in coaching (yours or ours) and mentoring, for additional impact, or combo this with our other of our interventions to have cohesive organisational development and delivery plan, ready to run out of the box.